03 August 2007
I caught up with a couple of mates, Chris (of “Docoloco”: fame) and Phil last night for a beer and to see what these “MODM”: meet-ups are all about. Neither of us had been before and it sounded interesting so we all braved the cold and set off for a look-see.
Organised by “Cameron Reily”: and “Simon Chen”:, last night’s event was held at “Riverland”: which is a great little venue on the Yarra underneath Federation Square. The idea is for anyone interested in online digital media to get together, have a bit of a chat and share ideas. Yesterdays included a presentation from Robert and Mark Gabriel about their new search site/plugin, “MyLiveSearch”: which sounded interesting and has apparently been getting a bit of interest in the media of late. The beta is due out some time soon so watch this space…
We also got talking to “Keith Lang”: who, besides being a thoroughly nice bloke, is one of the guys behind “Plasq”:, makers of “Comic life”: and “Skitch”: What with talking to him and Chris I’m even more tempted to switch to a mac now!
Good do. Nice people. Recommend it.
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